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Western people seem to be ignorant of how much President Putin values God-given spiritual tradition and legacy to every nation. Putin’s latest letter sent to a rabbi in Russia, which is an annual letter of blessing from the President’s Office, puts it: ‘It is most important that Russian Jews, who maintain their loyalty to the spiritual tradition of their ancestors, make a significant contribution to maintain the cultural diversity of our country.’ the Jerusalem Post

Obey the king’s command, I say, because you took an oath before God. Do not be in a hurry to leave the king’s presence. Do not stand up for a bad cause, for he will do whatever he pleases. Since a king’s word is supreme, who can say to him, ‘What are you doing?’ Whoever obeys his command will come to no harm, and the wise heart will know the proper time and procedure.

For there is a proper time and procedure for every matter, though a person may be weighed down by misery. Since no one knows the future, who can tell someone else what is to come? As no one has power over the wind to contain it, so no one has power over the time of their death. As no one is discharged in time of war, so wickedness will not release those who practise it.

All this I saw, as I applied my mind to everything done under the sun. There is a time when a man lords it over others to his own hurt. Then too, I saw the wicked buried – those who used to come and go from the holy place and receive praise] in the city where they did this. This too is meaningless. When the sentence for a crime is not quickly carried out, people’s hearts are filled with schemes to do wrong. Although a wicked person who commits a hundred crimes may live a long time, I know that it will go better with those who fear God, who are reverent before him. Yet because the wicked do not fear God, it will not go well with them, and their days will not lengthen like a shadow. There is something else meaningless that occurs on earth: the righteous who get what the wicked deserve, and the wicked who get what the righteous deserve. This too, I say, is meaningless.     ECCLESIASTES 8:2-14

In Ecclesiastes, it is written: 

When the sentence for a crime is not quickly carried out, people’s hearts are filled with schemes to do wrong. 

We are witnessing this daily and will likely see its escalation until the Lord’s Second Coming so long as the satanic system to find game and conspire and attack is not removed from the world.

From the beginning of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the mainstream media has repeatedly sounded unfounded triumphalism that the Ukrainians could win the war against Russia with more military support from the West and has fantasized about Putin’s fall. Concerning the recent trend of media bias, an article exposes the reality of the brainwashing of the media

The corporate media is financially incentivized to project a false version of reality… Big Tech reinforces these falsehoods by shadow banning, blacklisting and censoring the actual truth. The actual truth is often mislabeled as “misinformation” while the real misinformation is promoted by algorithms and advertised as doctrine across social media and news feeds. These acts of deceit and manipulation are used to control the population, to instill obedient behaviors, and to persecute those who bring truth to life.

While media propaganda brainwashes the public to accept falsehoods as truth, a Russian nationalist ideologist, Alexander Dugin offers an entirely different perspective in some articles

We are on the brink of World War III, which the West is compulsively pushing for. And this is no longer a fear or expectation, it is a fact. Russia is at war with the collective West, with NATO and its allies… Whether it will come to the use of nuclear weapons is an open question. But the probability of a nuclear Armageddon grows by the day… many American military commanders… openly declare it, that the West will not even be satisfied with our complete withdrawal from the territory of the former Ukraine, we will end up on our own soil, insisting on “unconditional surrender”,“de-imperialisation”…dismemberment of Russia… In 1991, the West was content with the collapse of the USSR and our ideological surrender, primarily by accepting the Western liberal ideology, political system and economy under Western leadership. Today, the red line for the West is the existence of a sovereign Russia, even within the borders of the Russian Federation. The AFU’s counter-attack in the Kharkiv region is a direct attack by the West on Russia. Everyone knows that this offensive was organised, prepared and equipped by the US and NATO military command and took place under their direct supervision. It is not only the use of NATO military equipment, but also the direct involvement of Western aerospace intelligence, mercenaries and instructors. In the eyes of the West, this is the beginning of “our end”.


In the same article above, Dugin also poignantly puts it: 

At the heart of the global confrontation that has begun is the spiritual, religious aspect. Russia is at war with an anti-religious civilisation that fights God and overthrows the very foundations of spiritual and moral values: God, the Church, the family, gender, man. With all the differences between Orthodoxy, traditional Islam, Judaism, Hinduism or Buddhism, all religions and the cultures built upon them recognise divine truth, the high spiritual and moral dignity of man, honouring traditions and institutions – the state, the family, the community. The modern West has abolished all this, replacing it with virtual reality, extreme individualism, the destruction of gender, universal surveillance, a totalitarian ‘abolition culture’, a post-truth society… Open Satanism and outright racism flourish in Ukraine, and the West only supports them. We are dealing with what the Orthodox elders call the ‘civilisation of the Antichrist’. Russia’s role is therefore to unite believers of different faiths in this decisive battle. You must not wait for the world enemy to destroy your home, kill your husband, son or daughter… At some point it will be too late. God forbid we live to see such a moment. The enemy offensive in the Kharkiv region is just that: the beginning of a real war of the West against us. The West demonstrates its intention to start a war of annihilation against us – the third world war. We must bring together all our deepest national potential to repel this attack. With all means: thought, military force, economy, culture, art, internal mobilisation of all state structures and each of us.


Mike Adams speaks in a podcast that World War Ⅲ has already begun but the truth is being withheld from the public because the US government and media outlets are inclined to keep the public in the dark, so that they would be able to stockpile food, medical supplies, ammunition and so on for themselves for as long as possible. 

He warns that those living in Europe and North America should prepare for economic collapse, famine and worldwide nuclear fallout. The Prime Minister of Serbia also publicly warns of a ‘great world conflict’ within two months